My First Date
The Work Of
Renee Michele Andolina & Krista Biedenbach
at Toast Coffeehouse
242 E Main St, Port Jefferson, NY 11777
Opening Reception Thursday,
February 5th from 7pm-11pm
The work in this collaborative show depicts the various stages of a girl preparing her hair and makeup for a date. The images are intended to be light and airy to emphasize the surreal preconceptions she has about this "date". She is focusing on the process of altering herself for the fantasy she has created in her mind while also trying to fit a male's ideal of beauty. Contrasting this imagery are a series of words and phrases intended to represent the masculine role in this event. The vulgar innuendo represents the makeup the boy puts on to disguise his intentions. By incorporating this into the imagery of the female, we see her realize her date's intentions while she changes them in her mind, bending them into an innocent, sugary dream.
Through March 4th, 2009
Live Music by The Acme Brothers
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