Wednesday, August 19, 2009

FRESH Fan Mail

Mr. Edwin:
As an artist and collector, I found it very interesting that you felt the need to insult other kinds of art in your article meant to promote your strengths, calling Long Island a "cultural wasteland of sports bars and cover bands, lighthouse and floral paintings, strip malls and nail salons."
Is it really necessary to denegrate other forms of art to make your organization's purpose more meaningful? Can't you just promote your art on its own merit?
If you know your art history, you'd know that even the Impressionists were considered scandalous and "out there" when they first developed their methods of painting. Perhaps one day your members' art will be considered traditional too. Do they then deserve to be insulted by the next big thing? I think not.
So open up your mind a little more Mr. Edwin - art is subjective and there's room for all kinds.


Received Tuesday, August 18th

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Altered States: Clayton Orehek & Jon Duci

Altered States

New Work By Jon Duci & Clayton Orehek

Opening Reception Thursday August 6th From 7pm-11pm

at Toast Coffeehouse
242 E Main St Port Jefferson, NY

Soundscaping By
Kevin & Colin of "The Point"

Orehek, who's hero is Nikola Tesla, uses a mixture of neon, found objects, and electronic savvy to create illuminated sculptures. The show also features a new kaleidoscope installation that is sure to blow some minds. Clayton has collaborated with FRESH many times, most notably, with his 10ft light up vagina from Respect...What It Is last summer at Painter's Art & Food Bar.

Jon Duci is new to the FRESH fold. His swirling, mind-bending optical images twist the brain in and out. It's not hard to get lost in Duci's world.

Through September 1st